Benefits of healthcare mobile apps for businesses | Prismetric

How are mobile apps revolutionizing and improving the healthcare industry?

The Revolutionary Changes That Mobile Applications Brought To Healthcare Space

The wearables diagnosing illness with remote health monitoring has improved access to healthcare services, it has become feasible with mobile apps that are an irreplaceable part of our lives today.

In the digital universe, we have plenty of apps for anything under the sky which has made people very much attached to mobile apps. The advanced technology leverage is dramatically changing the healthcare industry in profound ways. COVID-19 was the major driver in paving the way for digital healthcare services improvements.

Now, healthcare is rapidly embracing the mobile revolution due to access to updated information, automation, and getting things done on the go. Smartphones serve as an instrumental in allowing both doctors and patients to effectively manage and access health information, anywhere, anytime.

That’s why, once you have taken the decision to build an app for your business you need to hire the best mobile app development company which ensures that the application built can take your business to greater heights. As a result, the global mHealth app market size is expected to expand at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2022 to 2030.

Besides being location aware, modern Smartphones will be contextually and situationally aware. Taking a step further, healthcare automation makes it easier for people to connect and avail medication timely. This is the reason behind the steep rise in the healthcare apps on the Google play store and Apple’s app store for Android and iOS apps.

After catching up with healthcare app stats, it’s clear that mHealth apps are in vogue and benefiting all the stakeholders. Before we dig deeper to know how healthcare apps’ advantages, take a deep dive into the various types of mobile applications for the healthcare industry.

What are the most popular types of healthcare apps?

The healthcare industry is vast having apps categorized based on usage, stakeholders such as patients and HCPs, and healthcare organizations. Take a look at the different types of healthcare applications that can be built with the help of Healthcare app development solution providers.

Healthcare apps for patients

Healthcare apps for HCPs

Healthcare apps for hospitals

  • Appointment scheduling solution
  • Inventory management
  • Clinical assistance app with HER integration
  • Billing app

The list of apps is quite long. There are so many healthcare app development ideas that healthcare startups and entrepreneurs can consider to grow boundlessly. Let’s discuss in detail how these mobile apps can help improve automation in the healthcare sector in different ways.

What are the benefits of Healthcare mobile apps of mHealth application?

Healthcare mobile apps are not only helping patients with self-diagnosis and other health and fitness-related options but also doctors and hospitals as well to deliver quality care and efficiently handle administrative activities. Let’s dive straight to see how it’s transforming the healthcare industry entirely.

Benefits of Healthcare mobile or mHealth app for the Patients

Improved Access to Healthcare

In the era of digitization, the need to have doctors and patients in the same location is largely eliminated. People suffering from certain diseases, who live in rural areas or have limited access to healthcare services, can now ‘visit’ a primary care doctor or a specialist situated in a nearby city or half a world away; thanks to the healthcare mobile app solutions that improve access to quality healthcare facilities, without actually visiting in-person. Having access to meet medical professionals via video call, audio, or chat has brought them together in the virtual space of mobile devices. Furthermore, processes are automated and doctors can now deliver healthcare services virtually with the precision of patients being in their practice area.

Improved Patient Engagement

Mobile applications are a great way to keep your patients engaged throughout ongoing treatment plans. How? No more waiting in queues to visit a doctor, no more lack of transparency in quality and cost. However, with the doctor appointment booking app, patients can be easily notified that their doctor is running late for the visit, or they can even access healthcare consultations and services virtually. Mobile apps can also minimize complexity. Patients now have real-time access to post-visit instructions, medical records, pill reminders, next appointments with doctors, and much more.

Self-diagnosis enable health monitoring 24/7

Neither the hospital nor healthcare professionals can track the patient’s health status unless the patient is admitted to the hospital and under supervision all the time. It’s an impossible case, which is made feasible with fitness bands or wearables that are connected to smartphones thereby enabling patients to track the number of steps taken, sleep timings, calories consumed or burnt, glucose level, blood pressure, Oxygen level, pH level measurement, and tracking, heart rate monitoring, and much more.

The continuous monitoring and real-time access to this data enable patients to know their health status, which they can share with doctors and healthcare professionals for necessary actions. Entrepreneurs looking to build their startup in the healthcare sector get help from healthcare software development service providers to make health and fitness apps that facilitate self-diagnosis and engage patients in their business offerings.

Select the doctor or healthcare professional

Custom healthcare apps benefit patients as it allows them to choose the doctor they want for their treatment based on rating, reviews, cost, and expertise. All of the information enables patients to get treatment from experienced healthcare professionals and the well-informed decisions won’t let them repent at a later stage.

Effortless payment

One of the key advantages of mobile apps in the healthcare industry is that patients no longer need to wait in queues for their turn to get bills and make payments. The mobile technology enables patients to know how much to pay right on their mobile and can pay securely using their preferred payment mode.

A boon in medical urgency

Healthcare mobile apps are also a great way to help doctors communicate effectively with their patients and also with each other in a fast and convenient manner. There are apps that allow doctors and patients to securely message each other, share data, questions and photos. Doctors can use the apps to get second opinions from other doctors and provide reliable healthcare services. In addition to this, the use of cloud computing and wearable apps for healthcare can go a long way, ensuring a better end-to-end solution.

Benefits of mHealth or Healthcare applications for Doctors

Get accurate reports

Human errors are no exception. The same is the case with healthcare professionals who can make wrong decisions, but these errors prove to be fatal for patients. Thanks to healthcare apps powered with artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics technology that diminishes the chances of errors to almost zero. Machine intelligence helps in generating accurate reports that are later shared with patients.

Access to medical reports

When patients switch from one doctor to another, having previous medical history is all-important for the doctor to make the right decision and prescribe the best treatment plan. The medical apps store all the medical reports and prescriptions of the patients safely that are easily accessible and patients can opt to share with doctors to help them make quick medical decisions.

“If you want to improve clinical decisions with easy access to medical reports, click here to know the cost to develop medical app that’s quite less compared to the cost of living being when the right decision is not taken.”

mHealth app advantages for hospitals

Appointment management

The hospitals need staff to traditionally manage the appointment requests for different doctors which wastes a lot of time that staff can invest in valuable activities. With the mobile application with an appointment calender, patients can easily view the doctors’ schedule availability and book appointments digitally. The app sends a reminder to the patients before their appointment, which reduces the chances of no-show-ups.

Plus, when any appointment is canceled or postponed, the slot appears vacant to the patients that they can book, thereby minimizing the doctor’s idle time. The hospital can get benefited from online doctor appointment app development in terms of improved productivity and reduced cost.

Streamline Communications

For every organization, effective communication with its board members, employees, and consumers is crucial for survival and success. But this can be challenging in healthcare where your staff is not necessarily seated in front of their computers, accessing emails. In such a scenario, mobile applications are a great way of streamlining communication. Considering the fact that 80% of physicians approach Mobile app development companies to get built Smartphones and mobile healthcare apps today, use of the mobile apps and push notifications can be a fantastic way to alert your staff about critical and time-sensitive information.

Healthcare and Mobile Technology – The match made in heaven!

The digital shift accelerated due to the pandemic has made 80% of the healthcare providers increase their technology investment over the next five years. We expect to see AI, cloud computing, IoT, and extender reality technology leverage to improve telemedicine solutions, personalized services, Genomics, and wearable.

This is the reason the digital health market with segments covering telemedicine, analytics solution, mHealth apps, and others is expected to surpass $430.52 billion by 2028 with a CAGR of 16.9%.

Healthcare solutions help in handling patients remotely in a safe manner. IoT, robots, and machine learning techniques together help doctors in knowing if the patient needs care immediately when sensors detect intervention remotely.

Extended reality technology comprises AR, VR, and MR technology that transforms the way doctors and healthcare specialists are trained for performing surgery without putting a patient’s life at risk. The benefits of visualization, patient care management, accelerated diagnosis, reduced infection transmission, and learning surgical operations have lifted up the mixed reality usage in the healthcare market that’s expected to grow to $1.53 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 50%.

The Internet of Medical Things involves using mobile apps and wearable such as fitness trackers or pulsometers together for enhancing remote health monitoring and wellness. That’s why Deloitte says the IoMT market will reach $158.1 billion in 2022 and calls IoMT one of the key healthcare trends. The growth of the Internet of Things in Healthcare market size is expected to surpass $190 billion by 2028 for upending remote care.

The growing need for early and accurate disease diagnosis is best met by AI technology, it leads to the growth of AI in health market size that improves to $208.2 billion by 2028.

Future of Healthcare

Healthcare app development has become a new norm that’s taking the healthcare industry by storm. It’s benefitting every stakeholder involved in the healthcare industry from adding convenience to patients to efficient and speedy care delivery. Thus the future of healthcare businesses is bright with mobile technology.

It’s saving patients from preventable chronic illnesses without visiting neighborhood clinics and emergency rooms. Self-diagnosis and telemedicine solutions enable the betterment of health from the comfort of home. Streamlining communication to mobile appointments enables hospitals, healthcare institutes, and healthcare professionals to deliver improved care. Accurate access to medical reports, EHR, and other data allows doctors to make the right decision at the right time, which is a big savior in emergency cases.

Considering the importance of applications in the healthcare industry, mobile app development companies like Prismetric have created a niche of their own providing highly robust and interactive healthcare apps for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone.

If you are in plan to launch a mobile healthcare app or want to know about mobile technology’s role in the healthcare space, feel free to connect with our experts.

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