Restaurant Table Booking App | Prismetric

Restaurant Table Booking App

This is an interesting app which makes it easier for the food lovers to book their preferred table at their favorite restaurants in prior. The users can choose from the wide range of restaurants to have a wonderful time with their loved ones by reserving a comfortable table to enjoy quality time happily and without any hassle

Clients Requirements

  • Develop an application wherein users can book their table at the restaurant in prior before a couple of hours or even days and request for all the desired arrangements
Functionalities of Trapeza App


  • Enable the user to have an idea about the location and the availability of the tables on the particular time and date the user is looking to book it. Once a table has been booked, it should be reserved and in case where there are additional requests or arrangements, it should be ensured to be catered in the most efficient manner
trapeza diagram

App Features and Functionalities

  • We developed an app where the users can enter/update location directly while logged into the app
  • The users can search and explore for different types restaurants by applying various filters or scroll list of restaurants in the mobile app
  • The app has been designed in a way to view the list of restaurants according to user’s need and requirement
  • The users can click on any restaurant to view the complete description and select the Restaurant & Book the table in that restaurant within a few clicks
  • Similarly, in a few steps the users can provide Reviews and Ratings for the restaurant’s service after the bill for the table booked has been paid
  • Whenever required the users can even view their booking history
App Features and Functionalities Trapeza

Technical Implementations

  • iOS: XCode and Objective C
  • Android: Android Studio with java


We built an application where the users can reserve a table of their choice at the restaurant to celebrate their special occasions together with their loved ones. While booking the user can ask for some required arrangements to be made for some special occasions. At the end, users can even opt to pay through the app after having their meal

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