Loyalty Reward Mobile Application | Prismetric

Loyalty Reward Mobile App

The reward app is an easily accessible app that is solely developed to benefit the customers of Citicenter through reward points. At the same time, it completely unites and promotes the special deals that the merchants of Citicenter have been offering. This amazing app lets the users quickly access the menus and options for buying and heap rewards for their next easy purchase.

Client Requirements

  • Build an application which rewards the loyalty to the city center merchants
  • Allow users to accumulate loyalty points during their everyday purchases in the neighborhood
  • Users should be informed about special deals, private sales and commercial animations
Functionalities of Citipoint app


The app helps the users for their daily buying from the nearby merchants and earning their loyalty that can in turn benefit the people

citipoint diagram

App Features and Functionalities

  • The app connects the user to merchant.
  • The user can view the wallet money
  • The app has been built to view the loyalty offers and event promotions
  • The users can also view the Birthday offers, booked offers and liked offers into the application
  • The app allows the user to view merchant list
App Features and Functionalities Citipoint

Technical Implementations

  • Android: Java with android Studio
  • iOS: XCode with Objective C/Swift language


An application that bridges the people and merchants nearby which can benefit the merchants as well as the users of the application. Users can buy products from the merchants and in turn earn the loyalty credit. It becomes win-win situation for both merchants and buyers

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