Social Media Networking App - Prismetric

Social Media Networking App

A fascinating social media app that allows its users to connect with users who share similar interests. This social media app’s unique features and functionalities make it more appealing and interactive to the users.

Client Requirements

  • The aim is to develop an Android app that helps users to connect with friends who have the same interests as them.
  • Users can share the latest updates of their life events, new events happening around them, new experiences, or newly explored places.
  • User can share everything from their daily routine to special moments to achievements with easy selection of categories they are interested in and influence the people who really care & like what they are doing and admire their work.
Flashpixx functionality


  • Video auto-play for individual, business pages and fan pages
  • Dealing with socket for messaging

App Features and Functionalities

Feeds/Posts Feature

  • Feeds/Posts Feature allows the user to know every post of the individual user followed. View 3 types of posts and the descriptions from the individuals followed; the image/video, the post discussed, and the event.
  • View the business pages followed and the video or images posted by the business page, along with a detailed description.
  • View the Fan Pages followed and the poll posts, where they can participate in the poll, video or image posts from the Fan page along with a detailed description.
  • User can Like, Comment, Bookmark, Share, Report or Remove comment (remove own comment only), along with a View Profile option to know who posted the post.
  • Users can search post by post name, username, hash-tags, and can filter post by location and interest categories.
  • User can create image/video post with description, hash-tags, location, select interest categories, and tag friends. They can choose to Discuss or post an Event with image, description, start & end date, hash-tags, and location. With the Event post the user can tag friends.
  • The user can select from these options while creating the post, Anyone / Friends Only / Friends Except / Anyone except / Only me, to decide who can view the post.
  • Chat Feature

    • The chat feature allows the user to text chat one to one or group chat with friends and followers with options to attach image/video or block a friend.

    Find & Add People Feature

    • The find people feature allows the users to view the complete list of contacts in phonebook with options to invite friends to join
    • The user can also add friends by sending request to friends from their phonebook contact list who has already installed the application.

    Business Page Feature

    • Through business page feature the users can create multiple business pages by providing the necessary information and further provides the option to create or view posts in all such business pages.

    Fan Page Feature

    • With the fan page feature allows the users too can create one fan page by providing all the necessary information and description.
    • The users can also view the list of all followers, create a poll, and also edit/delete any existing fan page.

    Profile & Settings Feature

    • With the profile setting feature the user can view and edit his/her profile details, view, edit and remove all the uploaded posts, view and remove any bookmarked or tagged posts and save the changes.
    • The user can also switch On/Off to get notification alert, view number of followers, number of following and Number of Posts in their profile section.
Flashpixx features

Technical implementations

  • Crash Analytics
  • Retrofit
  • Firebase messaging
  • Maps

Technical Specification

  • Android: Android Studio with java
Flashpixx Screen2


  • Successfully Developing and Implementing Flashpixx social media application wherein users can view feeds/posts of the users, business pages, and fan pages they have followed, including like, comment, share, bookmark any post and report any post as abuse.
  • With Flashpixx the users can search for any feed/post, follow/unfollow any users, business pages and fan pages.
  • Furthermore, users can view events, can participate in polls, can create their own business page and fan page, can chat (one-to-one & group chat) with user whom they follow.
  • Users can view the list of all contacts to either add contacts as friend/follower or send an invite to their contacts from the application.

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