Web Development Team Structure, Roles and ResponsibilityPrismetric

Understanding Web Development Team Structure, Roles and Responsibility

Web Development Team Structure

Summary: A well-organized and dedicated web development team is crucial for an organization to have a functional website. With a dedicated development team, businesses can adapt the trends quickly, market products and services faster and chalk out plans & strategies according to changing circumstances and market needs. But, it takes a lot to have the best website development team and you need to understand what team is great. This article is about building a web development team and explains all your unsolved questions.

Did you know that around 70% of website development projects fail only because of poor management?

In contrast, around just 2.5% of organizations accomplish their projects as they were planned.

When it comes to having an effective website, the quality of engineering matters the most. But, there’s not one individual who create website, there are plenty of others who contribute equally to make the website or web application effective. Just like we have gauge through the number of factors involved in creating a website, have you ever thought what makes a great web app development team?

Yes, no great website is possible without a great team; hence, in this article, we’re gonna be unwrapping the facts about What Makes an Excellent Web Development Team & Their Role and Responsibility. Keep reading, and you’ll be backed with great ideas!

What Makes a Great Web Development Team?

As technology advances, we have plenty of tools that help you build a website in an hour, however, you have to build a dynamic website with a complex backend, you need to take a custom approach. That means you need a web development team with diverse expertise. You cannot get rid of it just by adding expertise or by hiring web developers at individual level. You need to build a comprehensive team that includes project manager, team leaders, designers, developers, QA engineers and more.

Web Development Team Structure

Here are some of the essential roles that you need to have in your web development team.

Chief Technological Officer (CTO)

A CTO refers to a chief technical officer, aka chief technology officer, holding one of the top-level positions in the company. He or she is more focused on the scientific or technological issues within the organization. In most cases, the CEO of the company takes this responsibility while others hire specialists.

Roles and Responsibility of Chief technological officer

Chief Technological Officer (CTO)

A chief technology officer (CTO) is sometimes self-assigned with greater responsibility, from managing infrastructures, tools, and technology requirements to development, testing, operations, and deployment. In most cases, the CTO is more active in overseeing the ongoing development project while disseminating technology to clients and vendor partners.

In a nutshell, a CTO;
  • Overseas development
  • Maintain infrastructure
  • Manage tools and technologies
  • Manage clients

Project Manager (PM)

A project manager is like an anchor of the web development team that takes accountability for planning, organizing, executing, and monitoring the entire web development process. A project manager’s primary responsibility is to mitigate the project’s risks and deliver the project on time. He/she starts all the processing after choosing the right technology stack for web development.

Roles and Responsibility of Project Manager

Roles and Responsibility of Project Manager (PM)

A responsible, as well as productive project manager starts the project once they understand the technical specifications. The primary responsibility of a project manager is to estimate the resources and budget required for the project development within the set deadline. The project managers chalk out the plan highlighting all the tasks that needed to be done. When it comes to web development for startups they take extra care of budget, resources, and requirements to offer them the best.

In point, a project manager;
  • Plan project development
  • Set development process
  • Creates team
  • Drive and monitor the development
  • Analyzing and managing project risk
  • Connect with clients

Team Leaders

In a web development team structure, if project managers are the conductor, then team leaders are the central task coordinator who is not just committed to the task execution but bridges the gap between team and project. Team leaders are assigned to execute the task while understanding the intensity of the deliverables.

Roles and Responsibility of team leaders

Roles and Responsibility of Team Leaders

A team leader is a person with adequate leadership quality who understands the team more than anyone else. The team leader is indispensable in a web development company that ensures the team is ready to tackle the demand and deliver the development product within the timeline. He or she is also aware of the skills and expertise of each member of the team.

In short, a team leader comes with the accountability of;
  • Organizing work
  • Connecting work to the context
  • Delegating tasks
  • Allocating and managing resources
  • Solving problems
  • Managing project progress

Solution Architect

By taking the lead in establishing the framework of the project, a solution architect creates a technical vision of a project after understanding the business upside down. He/she is an expert with a dynamic personality who understands the business problem and creates the best web application architecture, helping the web development group decide the features, functionalities, website design, content, and interfaces.

Roles and Responsibility of Solution Architect

Roles and Responsibility of Solution Architect

A solution architect is a person who understands the project and creates a wireframe that visualizes all aspects of applications aligning with the business vision. In some cases, a solution architect showcases the correlations of one page to another using blocks. The intention is to display how users would maneuver between pages and how the information on the website will be accessible to users.

In lines, a solution architect;
  • Creates a wireframe
  • Prepare and document testing requirements
  • Identify areas needs and goals are aligned
  • Develop IT strategies
  • Improve current IT implementations

Web Designers (UI/UX Designers)

Web designers or UI/UX designers are the backbones of the team structure for web development. A web designer works to maximize the usability and the user experience. He knows what designs perfectly suit the particular business niche and how users will interact with the website.

Roles and Responsibility of UI/UX Designers

Roles and Responsibility of UIUX Designers

Web designers ensure the design of the website becomes the face of business. After getting the wireframe from the team, the designers play a crucial web development role by actualizing the concepts. They design websites with easy-to-use interfaces.

To define the web designers role in the web development team, we can say that UI/UX team; Researches user experience design and conceptualizing a comprehensive UI/UX design strategy Shaping high-quality UX design through wireframes.

Web Developers

Once the design is ready and approved, the development comes into play. They are the ones who program the website and integrate features and functionalities. In short, they turn the design created by the UI/UX team into a working product. Businesses can gauge the cost to hire web developer before connecting with a software development firm or engineers.

Roles and Responsibility Web Developers

Roles and Responsibility of web developers

Web developers are assigned one of the crucial web development team roles that include actualizing the design and program of all the features and functionalities as suggested in the project scope, wireframes, and the design created by the other members of the web development team.

So, when you hire web developer for your web development team, you need to work on various factors, but the crucial ones are; understanding the type of web developers you require. Let’s explore the guide here.

Front-End Web Developers: Front-end developers are experts in building or developing (UI/UX) user interfaces and user experience. They are experts in making the graphical user interfaces of the website. In simple terms, front-end developers are more focused on creating the user-facing side of the website.

Back-End Web Developers: Backend development refers to everything done beyond user interfaces. Backend developers are the experts in backend programming languages and build and maintain the mechanisms, enabling them to process data and drive results as asked by users on websites. Technically, front-end developers control everything a user sees on a website, while back-end developers control data storage, security, and other server-side stuff.

Full Stack Web Developers: A Full Stack Developer is the one who takes the sole responsibility for the website. They are the one who works with the Back End as well as the Front End of a website. Full Stack Developers are experts in both —client-side and server-side programming languages. Still, their skills in a wide variety of coding niches make them worth having in the website development team. The full stack team can take the sole responsibility, from developing UI/UX to developing a database.

Quality Analyst (Engineer)

In the web development team structure, testing and QA engineers play crucial role. Based on the development methodology followed, after the development phase is completed for features and functionalities the QA takes charge to provide testing services. The quality analysts are entrusted with the job of ensuring the quality of the project or product development by the development team. They evaluate web applications based on the various critical aspects that were promised as a part of the deliverables and meet the quality standards of the organization.

Roles and Responsibility of Quality Analysts

Roles and Responsibility of Quality Analysts

A QA engineer, a tester, analyzes web applications, tests the projects’ quality, finds bugs, and gets them fixed. This is a significant process and takes more time to ensure quality. For example, once the development team develops a module, feature, or functionality, the tester takes the job in hand and performs rigorous testing. If there’s any bug, they report back to the development team and get it fixed. The second testing is carried out once the project is fully developed. That takes time, in some cases.

Final Thoughts

Given the web development team structure, you must have understood what makes a great team. We have explained each member in the team with their roles and responsibility so you get easy to build a strong team. We as a top web and mobile app development company are always there to help you out with your development needs. Contact us now.

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